Check Out This Really Cool Radio Manual Database.

A moment of serendipity. Let’s face it, the internet can be a sewer. Yes, there’s quite a bit of useful information out there, but sometimes trying to find it is like sticking your hand in a toilet full of crap to fish out a hundred dollar bill. DATABASE Well, in… Read more »

Reversing Course On Solar Generators.

      17 Comments on Reversing Course On Solar Generators.

After further review…. I’ve trash-talked “solar generators” before. Besides having a dumb marketing department name, solar generators are underpowered for what they cost. Furthermore, the claims made by some sellers of these devices are fantasy if not outright fraudulent. At least that’s how it used to be. Lately, after further… Read more »

Conventional vs. Inverter Generators.

      9 Comments on Conventional vs. Inverter Generators.

A necessary spare tire. Off grid amateurs have a love-hate relationship with gas engine generators. Due to generators requiring constant refueling and ongoing maintenance, they are not a realistic long-term power solution. Most of them are noisy, many are poorly made, and all of them are dirty. Yet, they are… Read more »

Understanding Wire & Conductors

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Moving electrons around. Wire and electrical conductors are so fundamental that we use them without giving much thought to their importance. Conductors, or wire, are to electricity what pipes are to water. Without them, absolutely nothing happens. This time around we’re going to examine wire & conductors, their behavior, and… Read more »

Exploring Ohm’s Law.

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Law school, continued. A while back we took a dive into Kirchoff’s Current Law. It’s just one of dozens of scientific principles that explain how and why electronic circuits work. Though one does not need to have deep knowledge of these principles to enjoy amateur radio, having a basic understanding makes… Read more »

Sisu: You Probably Don’t Have It (but should wish you did). COMMENTARY.

There’s something happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear… Back in 2014, well before Off Grid Ham was even an Idea, I wrote the following article for another website. I’m digging it out again because after Field Day 2022, I believe the ham community could use a pep talk…. Read more »

The Secret Life of Solar Panels.

      10 Comments on The Secret Life of Solar Panels.
solar panels

It’s not magic, it’s science. Few hams who use solar panels know how their panels work, or how they are made. Of course, it’s not necessary to know any of this in order to use them. Still, having a basic knowledge of solar panels makes one a more well rounded,… Read more »

Portable Antennas For The Off Grid Ham.

portable antenna

We’re not special. Off grid amateurs spend a lot of time focusing on the power source for their equipment. While that’s understandable, we musn’t be distracted from the rest of the amateur radio chain. This time we’re going to look at the other end of the system: portable antennas. To… Read more »

Add a DC Power Monitor To Your Off Grid System.

dc power monitor

More than just bling. Charging, discharging, watts in, watts out, current, voltage, and other values can tell you what your off grid system is doing. Having data helps you plan your power usage and forecast problems before being caught short. A DC power monitor addresses all these issues and is… Read more »

BREAKING NEWS. Americans Step Up: Privately Funded Shortwave Broadcasts to Ukraine Will Happen.

Power to the people. A regular Off Grid Ham reader tipped me off about an effort to privately-fund shortwave broadcasts to Ukraine. After a little fact-checking, I have determined that this is not just whimsical talk. It’s going to happen. A lawyer in California has launched a crowd funded effort to… Read more »

Kirchoff’s Current Law And Today’s Amateur.

kirchoff's current law

A very high bar. Prussian-German scientist Gustav Kirchoff (1824-1887) was a pretty impressive guy. His research led to a series of electrical principles collectively referred to as Kirchoff’s Laws. Those of us who endured electrical engineering school or technical college are very familiar with Kirchoff. Yet, he’s not particularly well… Read more »

The Transmitters of Freedom, Chapter 3: COMMENTARY.


A moral imperative. On two previous occasions (here and here) this blog published editorials calling for a shortwave radio broadcast “revival” to oppressed foreign countries with censored internet and no free speech protections. Since then, shortwave broadcasts have declined even more. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia and other world… Read more »