What is Your Off Grid “Plan B”? Do You Even HAVE a Plan B?

inverter generator

When the Sun lets you down. Loyal OGH reader Randy from Wisconsin recently commented that for several weeks in June and into July he barely got anything at all out of his well planned, high-budget home solar power system due to nearly constant clouds and rain. His dilemma highlights a… Read more »

Inverter Talk.

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You didn’t know you needed one. Off grid amateurs often forego having an inverter as part of their power capability, most likely because DC powered radio gear doesn’t need one. An inverter also adds expense, and in the case of portable operations, adds weight and space. But inverters bring a… Read more »

Digital Battery Passport: Be Aware, Not Afraid.

      8 Comments on Digital Battery Passport: Be Aware, Not Afraid.
digital battery passport

Nothing is sacred, including batteries. Do you have concerns about technology intruding on your life and privacy? We have reached a point where even batteries —yes, batteries— are documented and recorded. What am I talking about? You may have never heard of a digital battery passport (DBP), but pay attention… Read more »

The Off Grid Ham 100 Watts For $300 Solar Project -2023 Update

A classic never goes out of style. Way back in 2016 I posted the Off Grid Ham 100 Watts for $300 Solar Plant. Even today, that article is still hugely popular and one of the most viewed posts on this website. In a 2020 update, the $300 threshold not only… Read more »

Wind Turbines For Off Grid Radio: Pros and Cons.

wind energy

The unloved child. Lots of hams are very successful with solar. It seems to be the “go to” off grid power source. I don’t have firm numbers, but anecdotally it appears solar is more popular than even gas generators. Of course, solar is not the only game in town. Wind… Read more »

Lithium Battery Fire Risks: Sorting It Out.

      5 Comments on Lithium Battery Fire Risks: Sorting It Out.
lithium battery fires

Exponential market growth! Lithium battery technology has made exponential market penetration in the last decade or so. Once an exotic and expensive platform, today nearly every battery-powered device uses lithium. Along with increased market acceptance comes attention, both good and bad. Most of the bad news circulating about lithium batteries… Read more »

Battery Isolators, Separators, and Combiners.

When you want to expand your battery capacity. Off grid ham radio has an addictive quality about it. You tell yourself, “I’ll get a modest battery and solar panel and just fool around a little bit. I’m not too serious about this,” thinking that’s as far as you’ll ever go…. Read more »

Planning For Off Grid Home Solar.

      9 Comments on Planning For Off Grid Home Solar.
off grid home solar

Wish list. Most off grid hams are off grid only for portable operations. Many of them would like a larger, permanent home system but don’t know where to start or what such a project involves. If having an off grid home solar power system has been a longtime wish, this… Read more »

Batteries: Your Weakest Link.

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It cannot be avoided… Batteries are arguably the weakest link in the off grid radio chain. Solar panels, controllers, connecting cables, and almost everything else can last years, even decades. But batteries are a consumable product and no matter how good yours are, it’s almost certain they will not last… Read more »

Bluetti AC200MAX Portable Power Station: GUEST CONTRIBUTOR

Randall from Wisconsin, a longtime good friend of this blog and probably Off Grid Ham’s most loyal reader, has a blog of his own. It’s not exclusively a radio-related blog, but he does have a lot of solid content that any ham radio nut would enjoy. He recently posted a review of… Read more »

Reversing Course On Solar Generators.

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After further review…. I’ve trash-talked “solar generators” before. Besides having a dumb marketing department name, solar generators are underpowered for what they cost. Furthermore, the claims made by some sellers of these devices are fantasy if not outright fraudulent. At least that’s how it used to be. Lately, after further… Read more »

Conventional vs. Inverter Generators.

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A necessary spare tire. Off grid amateurs have a love-hate relationship with gas engine generators. Due to generators requiring constant refueling and ongoing maintenance, they are not a realistic long-term power solution. Most of them are noisy, many are poorly made, and all of them are dirty. Yet, they are… Read more »