Category Archives: AMATEUR RADIO

Field Day 2016: Activate Off Grid Systems!

A recurring theme at Off Grid Ham is the importance of going out and testing your ideas and projects in real world operating conditions. Very few of my schemes have ever worked exactly as planned the first time I tried them. Most needed modifications; a few were complete flops and… Read more »

DIY: The Off Grid Ham Portable DC Power Pack.

There are not too many options for radio amateurs who want portable DC power beyond the batteries in their devices. The Off Grid Ham 100 Watts For $300 Solar Power Plant is one alternative, but that can be too much for the ham who only needs to run a handheld/QRP… Read more »

Coax Cable: It’s All In The Family.

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Even many experienced ham operators will approach a table full of coax cable reels at a swap meet or stare at on line listings and feel lost in all the options, then out of confusion will default to buying whatever the vendor suggests or whatever is cheapest. They end up… Read more »

What You Need To Know About LiFePO4 Batteries.


Advances in technology has made off grid ham radio a lot easier and more enjoyable. One of the most exciting developments is the relatively new lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery. New technology requires new knowledge, so we’ll be exploring LiFePO4 batteries and where they might fit (or not fit) into… Read more »

Go Box Zen: Know Where You’re Headed Before You Leave.

go box

Go boxes are a well worn subject in ham radio circles. On prepper/survival internet forums in particular, the topic has been beaten beyond death. In nearly all of these discussions, there is a lot talk about the how, but not much on the why. When reasons are given, they are… Read more »

Portable Zero 817 Escort: Product Discussion

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It’s extremely rare for an aftermarket amateur radio product to be so well done that when installed it looks and functions like an OEM factory part. The Portable Zero 817 Escort is exactly such an accessory. If you run your 817 as a portable, then the Escort is a must-have…. Read more »

Getting Started In QRP.

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Good operating practice states that radio amateurs should use the minimum transmitter power required to maintain effective communications. In most cases that would mean to QRP (reduce power), yet in reality pretty much everyone runs their HF rigs at full power, all the time. There are two big reasons why… Read more »

NVIS -Near Vertical Incidence Skywave: Why You Need It.

One of the big thrills of amateur radio is working DX. There’s a lot of excitement in contacting that “Holy Grail” station on the other side of the world and earning bragging rights on local FM repeaters. But crisis communications necessitate that amateur radio operators trade DX glory for close… Read more »

Basic Electronics: The Multimeter.

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It’s a given that a multimeter is one of the radio amateur’s best friends. The device is so fundamental that you can’t be a serious ham without one. Yet, most hams don’t know much about their multimeter, or how to select a good one. I will explain the various aspects… Read more »

The Adventure Begins Here.

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Welcome to the newly launched Off Grid Ham.  Our purpose is to discuss amateur radio technical topics with a focus on operating without commercial power. All hams, no matter how they power their equipment, will find a lot of worthwhile ideas here. I know a lot but I don’t know… Read more »