NVIS for EMCOMM and Survival Communications.

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Not clear on the concept. If you or someone you know has an HF station with a goal of DX communications in disaster situations, I have a question: What are you really trying to do? What is the need for very long distance communications in a SHTF scenario? Save for… Read more »

Is Inflation Making Off Grid Power Too Expensive?

Everyone orders off the same menu. Anyone who has not been living under a rock since the pandemic knows full well that pretty much everything is getting crazy expensive. That would be bad enough except very few of us have increased our income accordingly. This is not a political statement…. Read more »

What is Your Off Grid “Plan B”? Do You Even HAVE a Plan B?

inverter generator

When the Sun lets you down. Loyal OGH reader Randy from Wisconsin recently commented that for several weeks in June and into July he barely got anything at all out of his well planned, high-budget home solar power system due to nearly constant clouds and rain. His dilemma highlights a… Read more »

Lithium Batteries: Where We Came From, Where We’re Going.

lithium batteries

The best of times. Battery technology has made huge advances in a relatively short amount of time. When batteries started being commercially produced in the early 1900s, lead acid or “wet cell” batteries were the only option. “Dry cell” batteries were made too, but they were for small applications such… Read more »

Field Day 2024: Reach Outside Your Circle.

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field day 2024

It’s everything to everyone. Field Day 2024 is about a month away. It’s a contest, readiness drill, science fair, publicity stunt, geek festival, and party all rolled into one. It’s the Grand Poobah of amateur radio events. And this year my challenge to Off Grid Ham readers is not to… Read more »

Everyone is an “MFJ Guy”: COMMENTARY

Didn’t see it coming. I’m sure I’m not the only one who felt completely blindsided to hear that MFJ Enterprises, a name that is surely known by every ham radio operator, is going out of business. The end of MFJ will also result in the sunset of its subsidiary brands,… Read more »

Data Modes: Game Changer or Gimmick?

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Time + technology= options. Ham radio has a lot more options than it did years ago. Back in the day your choices were phone or CW and that was about it. In the 1970s/1980s slow scan TV and early data such as RTTY came about, but they were niche modes… Read more »

Everything But The Ham 2024.

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unlicensed radio options

It’s about ham-less radio. I’m going to assume that everyone who reads this blog is either a ham or at least vaguely interested in becoming one. With that kind of a demographic, why should I even entertain the idea of covering unlicensed radio options? Well, it’s all about having choices… Read more »

Inverter Talk.

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You didn’t know you needed one. Off grid amateurs often forego having an inverter as part of their power capability, most likely because DC powered radio gear doesn’t need one. An inverter also adds expense, and in the case of portable operations, adds weight and space. But inverters bring a… Read more »

Keeping Your Go Bag Going.

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survival and preparedness

When one is none. Have you ever encountered a huge radio-related hassle over one small equipment failure? Your entire radio station can be kicked off the air because of one flakey connector or a blown fuse. If you don’t have a solution, you’re done. Equipment failures may be a mere… Read more »

Digital Battery Passport: Be Aware, Not Afraid.

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digital battery passport

Nothing is sacred, including batteries. Do you have concerns about technology intruding on your life and privacy? We have reached a point where even batteries —yes, batteries— are documented and recorded. What am I talking about? You may have never heard of a digital battery passport (DBP), but pay attention… Read more »

The Off Grid Ham 100 Watts For $300 Solar Project -2023 Update

A classic never goes out of style. Way back in 2016 I posted the Off Grid Ham 100 Watts for $300 Solar Plant. Even today, that article is still hugely popular and one of the most viewed posts on this website. In a 2020 update, the $300 threshold not only… Read more »